Beans all'uccelletto

From the Giallo Zafferano blog by Renata Briano

I fagioli all’uccelletto are a tasty Tuscan side dish: a traditional peasant dish that is still popular today.

La Tuscan cuisine è la tipica espressione della dieta mediterranea, sana e appetitosa, conosciuta in tutto il mondo per i suoi piatti semplici e ricchi di ingredienti genuini e dal sapore antico. I piatti di questa meravigliosa regione sono, inoltre, sempre accompagnati da un ottimo olio extra vergine di oliva e da un buon bicchiere di vino.

I fagioli all’uccelletto were served in the old days to accompany main courses of meat or game. Today they can be proposed in a vegetarian style, with some slice of Tuscan bread lightly toasted for making the slipper in the delicious tomato sauce flavoured with garlic and sage.

Se volete, invece, un piatto unico un po’ più robusto potete aggiungere della salsiccia fresca, a pezzi, nel soffritto. I cannellini beans can be substituted with borlotti beans or other types. In the photo of my dish, for example, you can see Purgatory beans, small and delicious.

And now, enough chit-chat, it only remains for me to wish you good work and good appetite!



  • Dried cannellini beans
  • 1 cloveGarlic
  • 200Tomato puree
  • q.b.Extra virgin olive oil
  • q.b.Fresh sage
  • q.b.Salt and pepper



Putting the dried cannellini beans in a large bowl, cover them with cold water and soak them overnight.

The next morning, strain the beans with all their liquid into a pot.

Attention: the fagioli devono essere completamente coperti di acqua, quindi semmai aggiungerne un po’.

Cook the cannellini over a low heat for at least 50 minutes, skimming them occasionally with a skimmer.

I recommendNo salt at this stage!

Council: if legumes cause you stomach ache, you can add a small piece of kombu seaweed in cottura, aiuterà ad evitare la fermentazione in fase di digestione.

When they are cooked (taste that they are soft!), drain the beans and save the cooking liquid.

In una casseruola, mettere un filo d’evo oil, I spicchio d’aglio peeled and the sage leaves. Fry for one minute then add the tomato puree and let it reduce for two or three minutes over low heat.

Add the cannellini scolati e anche un po’ di liquido di cottura tenuto da parte.

Adjust by salt and pepper.

Cook for about 20 minutes on a medium flame, adding liquid if they get too dry.

fagioli all’uccelletto are ready to serve nice and hot!