SAGE Salvia Officinalis

Parts used in phytotherapeutic preparations:

uses and properties:

flavours soups, meat dishes, fish, game, poultry, cheese

Dominant active principles:
- essential oil (thujone, thujene, cineole, camphor, borneol, linalyl acetate, linalool, caryophyllenes, etc.)
- diterpenes (salvine, carnosol, etc.)
- triterpenes, sesquiterpenes
- flavonoids (apigenin, cirsilione, cirsimartin, eupafolin, genkwanin, hispidulin, salvigenin, etc.)
- tannins
- ac. labiaticum, ac. caffeicum, ac. rosmarinicum

Tropism towards organs and systems:
nervous and neurovegetative systems, female genital system, skin, oral cavity.

- balsamic
- antisudorific
- tonic on the nervous system
- emmenagogue, oestrogenising
- antiseptic
- re-epithelialising
- spasmolytic
- antioxidant

Beneficial activities on the organism:
- useful in mouth problems
- antiseptic and whitening action on teeth
- soothing action on visceral and muscular spasms
- tonic in mild states of depression
- regulatory action on menstrual flow
- soothing on climacteric hot flashes
- soothing on excessive sweating

Undesirable effects associated with high dosages:
possible at very high dosages of essential oil, not recommended for internal use (of sage medicinal products) during pregnancy

Use as a curative remedy (main pharmaceutical forms, consult an expert for dosages):
- Essential Oil
- Mother Tincture
- Infusion
- Dry Extract
- Powder

Pot size: 

Bush Ø 14 - 18 -25 Organic Ø 14